Monday, July 25, 2011

Trade Show Advice

The clock is ticking toward your next trade show. Today more than ever it is paramount that you maximize the time and expense of exhibiting at a show.  As business is again building momentum it is essential your company convey an image of strength, a confidence that you have weathered the storm and will continue to prosper into the future.  Marketing is critical to accomplishing your objectives.

We at Leader Graphic Design help our clients put forth a reassuring image to the marketplace, one of stability and growth in good times and bad.
1.       Promote your show appearance well in advance with print and digital marketing tools. Post cards, personalized letters, website content, and e-mail blasts alert your contacts of your show attendance and booth location. Extend an invitation to stop by the booth and discuss a pertinent issue. Some reminder messaging leading up to the show helps to encourage the attendee to include you on their itinerary.

2.       Design and imagery in your booth is essential. Standing out amidst the traffic and clutter is a necessity in a busy show aisle. A highly visible booth display, attractive signage, and a prominent logo portray a high-profile image and attract attendees. Compelling brochures and marketing pieces convey your message and provide takeaway literature.  Plan ahead and save costs on artwork and printing.

3.       Booth activity helps encourage attendance. A prize drawing, a premium giveaway,  or  a presentation by an industry expert provide reasons for a visitor to spend some time at your booth.

4.       Follow-up after the show is essential to reaping the benefits of your efforts. You’ve made contacts, gathered data, and gained feedback from your booth attendees and your fellow exhibitors. Follow-up with communications suggesting an appointment or further information regarding your products or capabilities. Attractive and creative literature contributes to furthering a favorable impression on your prospects.

Leader Graphic Design would like to discuss your trade show preparations, presentation, and follow-up with you at your earliest convenience. Let us help you get your ducks in a row and get the most out of your trade show efforts.

1 comment:

Xtreme Trade Show Exhibits said...

Nice post. Promoting the event before the show is very important and one of things people miss the most. Getting people to your booth is very important.